Saturday, June 13, 2009

Halfway there

Down 3.2 this week for a total of 69.2 I love that 69 number :P

So much more to say but hubby's giving me the stink eye so I'll update more later!


F. McButter Pants said...

That is fantastic. You must be feeling great!

Anxious to hear more.

Diana said...

Wow! That's fantastic! Unfortunately, I think I found what you lost. And "69" is a very good number. :)

Tony said...

great job :D

big_mummy said...

there is your thinking 69 and he gives you stink eye!!?? go shut him up with the next best 69 you can do ;)

wildfluffysheep said...

69 is such a fun number ;)

kudos on the loss missus.

eeep on the stink eye!

Unknown said...

Yeah, that's great!!! Congrats on the terrific (and sexy, lol) loss!

Melissa said...

WOW! You are so inspiring! I am waiting on my first 10! You are right it is a long hard road out of hell! Are you lifetime yet?