Sunday, May 24, 2009

Two pounds...

And I'm sure you can guess which way that went. I hate this rollercoaster. I hate my body. I refuse to completely give up because I can feel myself getting stronger, and I'd rather be strong and healthy and fat than thin and weak and starved. Ugh. I just wish something would change.


Diana said...

Boy do I hear you on this one. I'm a big yo-yo myself. Up-down-up-down-up-down. Getting sick of it!

But like you, I'm not giving up eiher. :)

Dina said...

Aww man that sucks! I'm up 4 pounds, if that makes you feel any better! (misery loves company!)

Syl said...

2 pounds is better than gaining all of the 66 you lost. Don't give up, keep pushing through.

On the weeks that there is a gain it makes me work that much harder, it's almost like incentive.

2 weeks ago I had a 2 pound gain, I started doubling my excersice that week as well as cutting out every form of junk and I gained 2 pounds.

This was the morning of my first run, the anger got me to the finish line. When I started the new week I was mad and it showed on the scale. I worked hard and kept going and that week I lost 3.2pounds.

Don't give up just keep pushing.

Unknown said...

Yes, like the others have said - do not give up! This is a momentary loss in the overall war! Look how far you've come!! Minor setbacks are to be expected. Maybe you ate too much salt this week, maybe your body is readjusting.
Keep going - you can do it, you know you can.

Carlos said...

sucks hang in there...