Sunday, January 11, 2009

Up down up down....

What am I doing to myself? Well I've finally said goodbye to the 240s for good...but if I don't watch myself I'm never going to lose the last two lbs to reach my 50lbs loss and I'll never say goodbye to the giant ass that is mine. I had finally started moving from that plateau and I totally and completely blew it. Big time. I had a 2 lbs gain last week. Ouch, eh?

So here I am shaking my head at myself yet again.

But tomorrow is another day. Tomorrow I will wake up and kick some Tae Boxing ass. I will get my ass in gear and I will stop eating garbage. And the only reason it's tomorrow and not because today's already gone.

Wish me luck...


theantijared said...

Resend that email!

Carlos said...

i totally just stumbled on your blog and I love it! congrats on the loss so far. keep blogging that old dude in chaps one had me on the floor!