Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I'm horrible at this blogging thing...

I don't know why. Okay that's not totally true. I read all these other blogs and think, damn, that person has character! Or, you know, I wish I had something more to give than my day to day ramblings. Because really, my life is boring. I'm a full time stay at home mom, a part time leather slinger. I'm home and work. The only crazy shit that ever happens to me is at work, and even that hasn't been happening lately. It's been painfully slow in the biker leather business.

As for my weight loss, I haven't given up. I'm pretty sure that regardless of if or how much I slip at any given time, I know that I'm never going to give up. When I made the decision, and it was literally a snap decision, to get healthy...well that was it. Yeah the indulgence bug bites my ass sometimes, but I don't do too badly. And I've learned to limit my indulgences.

For probably the past month and a half I've been gaining and losing the same 2-4 lbs. I'm so so so close to hitting my 50 lbs mark but it seems so out of reach. I don't know if I've plateaued or if my body is just laughing at me. I just...don't know.

Exercise has been sporadic to non existant. I want to do it but I don't want to. I know it will aid in the weight loss and overall body health, but I just plain don't want to do it. Don't get me wrong, I feel great after I do it, and I feel great while I'm doing it, it's getting my head and body in sync and getting my ass off the couch and moving. Has anyone else had this problem? Does anyone know of a good way to just...get it done? Someone please help. I really think that beating the lazy out of myself is going to be the thing to kick start the weight loss. I don't know why that's not enough to get me moving....but someone please help me.


Brett said...

Plenty of character here, i think you write well and with lots of personality. As for wieght loss, its winter here and the body is trying to store fat to make it over the cold spell, while i'm trying to lose it to look good over the holidays! I found running helped and as i had never been able to run found this on the net,
It got me running 2 miles in 20 mins in around 5 weeks, i've slipped a bit now but am committed to start, soon.

david mcmahon said...

Came here from Laura Jane's blog. My heartfelt advice is not to worry about what other bloggers do or say.

Seriously, be yourself, project yourself. That is what is most endearing about any blogger.

~ugly girl with a beautiful heart~ said...

Thank you, both of you!

Brett, I'm on my way to the website you've suggested :) Wish me luck!

Laura Jane Williams said...

I feel good whenever I've gotten out into the fresh air... set yourself a challenge. Just make the basic promise that you'll get up early to do an hours brisk walking for just three mornings this week. If you feel good, do it again.

I'd bet my last rolo you become a walker...


Diana said...

Oh my gosh, you stop it already! You're a great writer. I've only read a few posts so far and you're funny and entertaining. Please post more often. :)